Tanya Katzman PhD

Assistant Professor of Chemistry 262.524.7151 tkatzman@gxitma.net


Chemistry Biochemistry


  • Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN 
    • PhD, Department of Chemistry, August 2016  
    • Dissertation Title: “The Use of Stable Isotopes and Particulate Matter in the Investigation of Local and Regional Atmospheric Chemistry” 
  • University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison, WI 
    • Bachelor of Science in Chemistry, May 2011 
    • Criminal Justice Certificate  

Areas of Specialization

Research Background:  

  • Analytical Chemistry 
  • Atmospheric & Environmental Chemistry 

Scholarly and Professional Achievements

  • Outstanding Advisor by Student Affairs – Carroll University - Spring 2019 
  • Nominated by Chemistry Club executive board and members 
  • 2015 NSF East Asia & Pacific Summer Institute (EAPSI) Fellow 
  • Madison Area Police Department Intern – Summer 2010  
  • Professional Affiliations 
  • American Chemical Society (ACS) 
    • Chemical Education Division 
    • Environmental Chemistry Division 
  • American Geophysical Union (AGU) 
  • American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) 
  • Purdue Climate Change Research Center (PCCRC) 


Katzman, T. L. et al. PM2.5 and PM10-2.5 Compositions during Wintertime Episodes of Elevated PM Concentrations across the Midwestern USA. Aerosol Air Qual. Res. 10, 140–U13 (2010).

Rutter, A. P. et al. Climate Sensitivity of Gaseous Elemental Mercury Dry Deposition to Plants: Impacts of Temperature, Light Intensity, and Plant Species. Environ. Sci. Technol. 45, 569–575 (2011). 

Rutter, A. P. et al. Dry deposition of gaseous elemental mercury to plants and soils using mercury stable isotopes in a controlled environment. Atmos. Environ. 45, 848–855 (2011). 

Li, J., Michalski, G., Davy, P., Harvey, M., Katzman, T., & Wilkins, B. (2018, 4 28).  Investigating Source Contributions of Size-Aggregated Aerosols Collected in Southern Ocean and Baring Head, New Zealand Using Sulfur Isotopes. Geophysical Research Letters, 45(8), 3717-3727. 

Service to Carroll University and Profession

​Faculty Advisor 
  • Chemistry & Biochemistry Students
  • Incoming Student Advising/Registration Sessions 
Chemistry Club (ACS Student Chapter) Faculty Advisor
Faculty Recruitment Representative – Chemistry & Biochemistry
General & Cross-Cultural Education Committee Member
BRIDGE Program – Academic Session Presenter
Search Committee Member:
  • Dean of Business 
  • Nursing Faculty 
  • Chemistry – Tenure Track Faculty 
Second Chaperone – CCE 300
Alternative Spring Break Advisor – Spring 2020 to New Orleans, LA
Reviewer – ACS Student Chapter Reports
Advanced Placement Exam Grader – Chemistry
National Science Bowl, Michigan Regional Co-Coordinator  

Why do you do what you do?

I fell in love with teaching in graduate school, where I worked as a Graduate Teaching Assistant. I enjoyed mentoring students through concepts in lab and in small recitation sections.  I enjoyed the challenge that the classroom presented, how to connect with students and coax them through coursework. But the payoff was always seeing what my students did next, as general chemistry was just one step on their academic journey.

How do you make learning engaging?

In lecture, I work to balance content presentation and engagement.  Naturally, content needs to be presented and jargon needs to be defined.  Concepts are supported and illustrated using figures and descriptive examples, as necessary.  To support these concepts, I work in application and engagement opportunities: practice problems that require mathematical analysis or conceptual reasoning.  This active break in lecture allows students to engage with the content for a few minutes before we go through the problem together.  This practice often produces more questions in the end and allows me to take a quick peek at how students are working through the problem, which can inspire further clarifications if necessary.  This process can be challenging and frustrating for students, but I find those that apply themselves during these activities grasp the material better. 

In lab, students engage in critical thinking activities that reinforce concepts and practices described in lecture. In addition, students keep laboratory notebooks to gain familiarity with professional scientific practices.  These activities encourage students to think critically about their data, be it observational or numerical. They need to navigate procedural errors and challenges and will gain experience with common laboratory techniques and procedures.

What should students know about you?

  • I am a student-centered educator who is constantly working to develop my craft 
  • ​I am always tuned into the student experience in my classroom and constantly working to develop and employ strategies and materials to aid in student learning. 
  • I love working with students and students should always come to see me if they have questions or concerns about content or their progress. 
  • I spend a full academic year with my students and love getting to know them. My door is always open, even after they move on in their academic pursuits.  
  • Prior to joining the faculty at Carroll, I spent two years at Saginaw Valley State University, where I also taught general chemistry. 
pano of main campus