Dr. Jessica Lahner (left) and Dr. Sue Lewis (right)
Dr. Jessica Lahner, lecturer of psychology, and Dr. Sue Lewis, professor of biology, both have been selected for this year's Outstanding Faculty Advisor award. This is the second year the award has been presented.
Here are several student quotes from Dr. Lahner’s nomination:
- “Dr. Lahner is always there to help. She genuinely cares about her students. She is also always willing to share her experience and resources with students.”
- “On an individual level, Dr. Lahner has assisted both her students and those outside her department. Though her time may be restricted, she makes time for students who email her and ask for help. Beyond any other professor, her office hours always fill up to discuss course content, talk about classes to take, degrees, life struggles, etc. She goes above and beyond in her work of advising students by helping them with personal problems they have gone through.”
- “Dr. Lahner keeps things in order and tracks her progress well. By doing that, I think she set herself as a really good role model for students to do similar things.”
- “She provided many resources to me to help me find my current internship, and is always encouraging her students to step out and try different opportunities.”
- “Dr. Lahner has always had her door wide open if I ever needed someone to talk to and has given me advice on postgraduation plans.”
Dr. Lewis’ students praised her work in her nomination as well. Here are some excerpts:
- “When I transferred to Carroll, Sue took me under her wing to ensure I met my goals and took the courses I needed. She spent hours with me going through course catalogs and transcripts to make sure I was on the right track.”
- “Susan Lewis has demonstrated care and concern through the selfless act of curriculum planning for not only her students, but students of other advisors. Students feel comfortable going to her for adjustments of their four-year plan and feel confident in the planning she has helped them with.”
- “Sue has worked hard to provide opportunities for students to interact with guest speakers who are doing well in their respective fields. Many of these speakers include successful Carroll alumni who are really inspiring, knowing they were once sitting exactly where I am now.”
- “She wants to know what is going on with our lives. She genuinely cares about her students and how they are doing in their classes and home life. She is a great listener and is always there for her students.”